Tuesday 14 June 2016

Planning the meeting -icefight Brisbane 2.5hour discussion.
All Icefight members are most welcome, and the general public.
Friday 730pm
July 8th 2016
Anzac Room
Coorparoo RSL 45 Holdsworth St
Coorparoo, Brisbane
It's a good idea to think in advance about the agenda, facilitation and decision making processes you could use in the meeting, especially when organising a large public meeting, or one dealing with difficult issues or conflict. It may be useful to prepare a rough agenda and think about the order in which to proceed. Remember that this is only a rough proposal - do let people participate by adding to the agenda and prioritising it before or at the start of the meeting. This will help them feel more involved with the meeting.
An important role that needs to be filled in all but very small meetings is that of the facilitator. The facilitator helps the group to have an efficient and inclusive meeting by getting everyone to decide on and keep to a structure and process for the meeting. She/he keeps the meeting focussed and regulates the discussion. For more about this role please read our briefing Facilitation of Meetings.
You could decide who will facilitate at the start of the meeting. However finding a facilitator a few days before or

If you are a health professional, please tell me of your intention to attend as we will endeavour to sit those with a deep understanding of social/health issues in the first 5 rows.
July 8th 2016 Friday 730pm.
And what you guys feel about main topics. These are open to revision or complete rearrangement of order on the night.
20mins allocated to each point.
Introduction -
1. What is icefight Brisbane? Educational tools/ funding and how to get into Qld education department.
2.public relations, how the media is on our side if we are open and 100pc honest....
Why abc online is going to provide an access point and how best to overcome government obstacles when dealing with the likes of jjj and local abc tv and radio. Open minded non biased approach needs to be presented- to state all for and against points about amphetamine or methamphetamines (ice)
- We must always remember some people use speed, meth or ice periodically and do not necessarily get hooked & suffer all the serious issues of addicts.
We risk alienating this section of society who see us only as controlling, overbearing and negative towards there choice of recreational drug.

3. Debating decriminalization of methamphetamines so all sides are heard equally.
If we are only anti meth/ice and not preventing a balanced, scientific and highly objective view we risk alienating those who would consider us close minded.
Although a lot of us are not comfortable with decriminalization as a way of reducing ice/meth problem we agree that Portugal has begun to show very favourable signs in dealing with there own hard drug problems....
4. Best ways to involve young ,vulnerable people in educating about dangers of drugs and alcohol.
5. The next step to take......if enough people are in attendance from Ipswich, Gold Coast, Caboolture ,Sunny Coast or other towns outside of Brisbane we can arrange these members to establish there own group if they choose.
6. How to increase membership across Brisbane and surrounding areas from current (2800) to 20, 000 people by the end of 2016.https://www.facebook.com/groups/1498431380466313/permalink/1545618139080970/


Courts in Maroochydore and Redcliffe offer this program for drug users in trouble with the law.

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